Art of the Car Concours, KC
The Sixth Annual Art of the Car Concours® is set for June 24, 2012, on the campus of the Kansas City Art Institute.
This event, a benefit for the KCAI scholarship fund, is growing in popularity and stature among vintage and classic collectors. The Concours is unique for its size and scale in having no formal judging and no classes of vehicles. The intention is to provide a wide range of very high-quality, original, vintage vehicles in an eclectic, informal setting, without the pressure of traditional Concours events.
A dinner be hosted for region members the evening prior to the Art of Car Concours
Would you like to exhibit a vehicle?
If you would like to exhibit a vehicle at the 2012 Concours, please send email us at so that we can notify you when the 2012 applications are available –– or just visit us again online at and watch for the application to be posted.