Welcome to RROC Mid America!
Welcome to the Mid-America region of the Rolls-Royce Owners Club and our official website!
Earlier this year we laid out a plan for the region that would create more opportunities for our member to participate in club activities. During the year we held events in Wichita KS., Omaha NE, Des Moines IA, and the fall technical seminar in St. Louis, MO. In addition we undertook the task of creating a dedicated region website for us to better communicate information on our calender of events and activities as well as distribute our newsletter The Prairie Lady. We would also encourage you to forward to us photos of your cars so we can display the wide variety of PMC's in our region. Of course, your comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Our annual election of officers was held via ballot and I am pleased to announce the results.
Regional Directors and Officers
Bob Andrews- Omaha NE. Bob will also serve as our website administrator
Mike Coup-Wichita KS.
Ralph Curzon- Bridgeton, MO. Ralph will serve as Vice President and Chief Judge
Simon Curzon- Independence, MO. Simon will serve as Vice President and Technical Director
Steve Davis-Des Moines, IA. Steve will serve as Vice President and Treasurer
Lisle Kauffman-Kansas City, KS. Lisle served last year as assistant Treasurer and this year will be on a temporary assignment to Kiev, Russia and sending us posts from his experience.
Jerry Sabin-Leawood, KS. Jerry will continue in his role as Vice President and Editor
Tim Stockwell- Kansas City, MO. Chairman
We are finalizing our plans for the coming year and will publish those events in January. One of the services we intend to offer is the opportunity for those of you have cars that are not running, we will dispatch a small team of technical experts to your home to get your car evaluated, provide you with a game plan for repairs or assistance to get back on the road and driving again!
We are looking forward to another year with great opportunities to get out and drive.
All the best to you and your families during this holiday season.